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And Now, a Word from Our Sponsor (not really)

I’m someone who has to write things down. I know, I know—there’s a perfectly suitable notes app on my phone. But it’s not the same. For one thing, it takes far too long to tap away at imaginary keys; for another, my notes are a nightmare of words, phrases, arrows, addenda, and diagrams that simply cannot be reproduced on a tiny little screen.

For a long time, I used Moleskine hardcover notebooks. But their cost is a bit unseemly, considering they’re made in China. And the whole fake history thing sort of grates. Plus, hipsters.

Field Notes has been my go-to source for notebooks for a while now. They’re smaller (read: more portable), cheaper, and made in the good ol’ USA. Their limited-edition sets are a lot of fun, and they even published a book last spring. (Even if you don’t buy their notebooks, you’ve simply got to read A Drive into the Gap. Just take my word for it.)

Yeah, I’m a bit of a luddite. But I’m not the only one who’s digging the old-school Field Notes vibe.

“Hey, who’s that new guy?”

Hello interweb, I am Tony Kuchar, Helveticka’s new intern.

Today wraps up my first week on the job, and so far it has been busy. I have participated in all sorts of meetings and gotten several projects to work on. As I write this I am in the middle of concepting a new logo and also brainstorming some ideas for a hard cider label. Fun stuff!

I am doing my internship at somewhat of sprinters pace. I am blazing through about 120 hours worth of interning in just under 4 weeks time.

I guess I should let you know a little about me. I am 25 and a senior at EWU. I am in the Visual Communication Design BFA program and slated to graduate at the end of this upcoming quarter. Between interning here 5 days and week and my night/weekend delivery job I’m a pretty busy guy as of late. However when I do get down time I tend to waste it reading comics, playing video games, and working on various projects.

Well, signing off for now.

(shameful self promotion)

How CK Secretly Hoped His Career Would Turn Out


I deliberately waited till the end of the workday to post a link to the awesomest collection of  “horror, sci-fi, exploitation, trash, B-movie posters” you’re likely to find in one place. (The Hammer Film Productions page alone is worth a look-see.) Why did I wait? So you won’t blame me when your productivity drops to nil. Say goodbye to the rest of your afternoon…

Countdown to the Apocalypse

The worst part about this isn’t the second definition. (It was already a problem in 1926, when H. W. Fowler noted that “such false coin makes honest traffic in words impossible.”) No, it’s the “usage discussion” that follows, in which we’re told that “some people take sense 2 to be the opposite of sense 1.” Gee, imagine that.

On a related note, I’m currently reading a book of a certain philosophical bent that makes the rather obvious point that only by agreeing on terms at the outset can anyone have a thoughtful discussion on anything. In other words, for me to defend the proposition that Miley Cyrus is a no-talent, attention-seeking hack, you and I must first come to an agreement on the definition of “hack.”

Altering the meaning of “literally” to include “not actually” is therefore far more insidious than simply caving to the mouth-breathers who can’t be bothered to learn what words actually mean. It’s a linguistic sleight-of-hand that prevents useful dialogue.

Quote of the Day

“As a young man, I harbored the populist idea of writing for the public. I learned that the public didn’t care. So I decided to write for myself. Since then, people have gotten interested.”

Elliott Carter

What I Did on My Vacation


The weathered remains of a fire lookout, built in 1934, greeted my son and me when we reached the summit of Thirteen Mile Mountain near the Kettle Crest. British Columbia’s Midway Range can be seen in the distance; out of the photo to the left (west) are the Okanogan Highlands. The area is wild and lonesome, lending to a well-earned reputation as Washington’s last frontier.

Quads Only.


If you ever want to join me for a little fun on wheels after work, grab some skates (quads only) and come on down to The Pit behind Krunch Skate Shop. You may even get to hip-check me – if you’re lucky.

From the Oatmeal

With Grammar and Spiders…the only way to fill Aaron’s really big shoes. So here’s how and why to use whom in a sentence.

Last Week.

It is my very last week here as an intern, and it has been the most refreshing 173 hours spent. It all started when my professor shared to me that helveticka was thinking about opening a spot for an intern.

I was very lucky to have this opportunity. Lucky in a way that it presented itself to me, but not in a way that it was handed to me. You know when you worked hard, is when you feel like you aren’t going to achieve that goal. That is how it always happens to me. I work extremely hard for something, feel like I am failing…and then “BAM” I achieve that goal. That was the feeling I got when I was trying to get this internship. When I made that facebook campaign, I told myself, “You are insane, you are not going to get this internship” right before making it live. Well, here I am today, writing my goodbye post on helveticka’s very own blog.

The main thing I have learned on this journey is solidifying that I am in the best industry and that I am unbelievably excited to become a part of it in the near future. Working at helveticka has been only a blessing which makes it even harder to leave.

“It is those who are successful, in other words, who are most likely to be given the kinds of special opportunities that lead to further success.”
― Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success

…you haven’t seen the last of me, helveticka. Just you wait.

Stop! Grammar Time!

While reading this blog post, I had a vague recollection of my high school English teacher making a very clear distinction between flounder and founder. But for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what it was. Then, on the way to a meeting in Colfax this morning, CK casually used flounder in a sentence*—no doubt referring to my career—so I made a mental note to look into the difference between the two words.

Naturally, Paul Brians has the answer:

As a verb, “founder” means “to fill with water and sink.” It is also used metaphorically of various kinds of equally catastrophic failures. In contrast, to flounder is to thrash about in the water (like a flounder), struggling to stay alive. “Flounder” is also often used metaphorically to indicate various sorts of desperate struggle. If you’re sunk, you’ve foundered. If you’re still struggling, you’re floundering.

Typical brilliance: describe the difference, then give us a way to remember it. Do yourself a favor and buy his book, would you?

*Yes, he used it correctly.

Words Fail…

Really, I’m not sure exactly where to begin. Is it condescending and obnoxious? Or is it just embarrassing? Or is it even more insidious: the natural progression of an American pop culture that elevates attitude and posturing over art? Or am I taking this way too seriously?

Apart from some commentary online about the possibility of the video being racist—don’t want to go there—there seems to be very little push-back. Which means that I’m probably just a cranky old man.

The true test, I suppose, is whether it succeeds in driving customers to Kmart. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.



While CK was gallivanting about the North Atlantic Seaboard last month (see here, here, here, here, and here for his New York City travelogue), I stuck closer to home. Somebody had to mind the store, after all. The great thing about eastern Washington, though, is that nature has a way of keeping you guessing. At left is Elk Creek Falls, just two hours (and an easy two-mile hike) north of Spokane; at right is the view from the summit of Steptoe Butte, an hour in the opposite direction.

Interning—Week 7

Since my desk is placed between Shirlee and Aaron, I have had a good time just experiencing the two of them. And since they have done this silly thing by trusting me to post on the blog, I decided to give you an inside scoop on these two hardworking individuals.

Aaron listens to either some kind of “hippie indie” tunes, or “I am going to stab you with a knife” music. Seriously though, I am at a hookah lounge or a crazy rock concert; it’s always a surprise. His area is extremely neat and he is usually here first, typing away on his computer. One thing I find hilarious is he will randomly laugh to himself a couple times a day. Is he reading an email? Copy a client gave him? Searching weird images? I have no idea; and I think I will just leave it at that. That’s what you get for constantly wanting to haze me as the intern, Aaron!

Shirlee listens to music I would listen to in high school, which is usually punk bands with funny and somewhat edgy lyrics. I enjoy the time travel! Shirlee and Aaron are almost complete opposites, which is really entertaining. Aaron will laugh to himself, while Shirlee will laugh loudly and share what she just came across to everyone. Her desk is full of pictures and random objects, including an old Mac desktop containing a large spider; honestly, just think of anything you probably wouldn’t put on your desk and she most likely has it.

They are usually talking about what files need to be sent to who, making fun of each other, venting, or making jokes about wrapping me in plastic wrap and shipping me away. Fun times.

NYC, Part 5: I ♥ NY

All week long I’ve been sharing some highlights from my recent trip to New York City. It turns out that I stayed within two blocks of my favorite design firm in the world: Pentagram. In addition to walking by their office to pay homage—something I do on every trip to the Big Apple—I also walked several blocks out of my way to do the same for the design office of Milton Glaser (above). Even at 84 years of age, Milton remains active in his business and continues to write about our profession. “If there is an award for the world’s champion graphic designer,” design author Ralph Caplan recently wrote, “Milton Glaser would surely win it.” Amen. And just one more reason to ♥ NY.

NYC, Part 4: Helvetica—without the “k”

No other city in America can take credit for helping our favorite font become a household name. It was in the 1960s that Madison Avenue first put Helvetica on the map—and not only by using it for major brand identities (Crate&Barrel, Knoll, AmericanAirlines, et al.), but also quite literally, when the New York City subway system adopted the Swiss-born typeface. Today, the Big Apple continues to use Helvetica in ways that underscore its ability to communicate clearly as well as its incredible versatility. It’s “the perfume of the city,” according to graphic designer and publisher Lars Müller. “It is just something we don’t notice usually but we would miss very much if it wouldn’t be there.”

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