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“In crucial cases,” wrote Leon Kass in response to cloning, “repugnance is the emotional expression of deep wisdom, beyond reason’s + more

Why Spec Work Is a Four-Letter Word

These days, it seems that every other Request for Proposal is asking for speculative work. We enjoy receiving RFPs as + more

How Design Can Make You Thinner

A designer friend of mine recently called this video to my attention. It reaffirms the value of design in the + more

Express to Brighten Beach

Gothamist has photos of typos in the New York City subway system. I used to get all smug and superior + more

I Could(n’t) Care Less

That there exist people who actually debate this issue (and others just as obvious) continues to amaze me. But there + more

The Past Was in Color

Terry Teachout writes about the gradual change from the “clean, crisp surreality of the monochrome image” to full color—and its + more

Quote of the Week

“More than ever, it’s beauty, delight, and amazement that separates rapidly commoditizing ‘product’ from stuff that’s treasured, adored, loved, and + more

There’s a Word for That

My 13-year-old niece called last night to ask me if I knew the word for the dot that appears above + more

Back from the Grave

It’s not often that the last word goes dark for a five-day stretch. But when we do, you can be + more

What a Difference a Letter Can Make

People often wonder why we writers obsess over phrases, cadences, and the like. They don’t understand when we say that + more

The Gap in GAP’s Logo Decision

Interesting. It appears that public outcry can change the minds of branding experts very quickly. I’m not here to defend + more

Write Like a Professor

I’ve poked fun at academic writing before; what I hadn’t realized is that my mockery comes from a deep-seated animus + more


CK Anderson (left) greets the last word‘s very first contest winner. Noted grammarian Susanna Weise correctly identified all of the + more

Where Have All the Creative People Gone?

As I was thumbing the pages of “The Creativity Crisis,” an article in the July 10 issue of Newsweek,  I + more

Contest Update

As of this writing, no one has risen to the challenge issued here. There can be only two reasons for + more

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