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Marauding Pigs!

Because it’s Friday—the 13th—I bring you a chilling tale of…radioactive boars!

“And the earth was without form, and void…”

Many, many, many times I’ve been told to not begin sentences with “and.” Or any other conjunction, for that matter. + more

Quote of the Day

From Thomas Merton comes this, the sort of statement that would make for a fine mantra—if I believed in the + more


Google tells us that there exist 129,864,880 different books in the world. It’s a bit daunting for the dwindling number + more

Summer Reading Notes

I’m in the midst of Patrick Leigh Fermor’s A Time of Gifts, an account of the author’s walk across Europe + more

Branding Xs and Os

Pac-10 commissioner Larry Scott is on a mission to raise awareness for his expanding athletic conference. In a recent edition + more

I’m Persua-dead

With the dog days* of summer upon us, one could do worse than find relief from the heat in the + more

Quote of the Day

In an article in the 01/2010 issue of Audi Magazine, Richard Koshalek, director of the Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture + more

America in Color, 1939–43

  Because it’s not always about words, here’s an amazing collection of color images taken by photographers of the Farm + more

Some Light Verse

While I’m not so much of a cotton-headed ninny-muggins as to suggest that all we need is to give peace + more

Prepare to Be Grammared

The Boston Globe‘s Erin McKean seems to think that the practice of “verbing”—perhaps the worst thing to happen to the + more

Leaving a Bad Taste

Now I know the fine folks at Latah Creek Winery really do care what we all think of their new + more

The Best Show in Town

My wife and I attended the Harold Balazs art exhibit opening this past Saturday at the MAC. It was a + more

“Human Feeding Can Cause Overcrowding”

So the missus and I were enjoying a picnic in Cannon Hill Park last night when, as I was about + more

Behold the Gender Genie!

Following up on yesterday’s post (scroll down), here’s an application that uses a super-secret algorithm to determine, from a writing + more

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