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February 2016

Poetry Break

CEREMONY Richard Wilbur A striped blouse in a clearing by Bazille Is, you may say, a patroness of boughs Too + more


Last week I got everyone to take an interactive version of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory—a test developed in 1979 “for the + more

Prove it!

Soon, Microsoft is going to be making things easier for all of us. “By designing with the disabled in mind, we + more

Quote of the Day

“After playing Chopin, I feel as if I had been weeping over sins that I had never committed, and mourning + more

The Cookbook

In my family, when you get married, you get a cookbook. Not just any cookbook. The cookbook. It’s filled with recipes from my mother’s side + more

It’s Like They’re Not Even Trying

This email came over the helveticka transom on Monday. Apparently, we’re to believe that the IRS now has an email address, that + more

Untranslatable Puppy Names

After becoming frustrated by the lack of help received by the internet in naming my new puppy (oh yeah, did + more

My Daily Dose

I thrive on routine. Lack of structure does not look good on this lady, which is why I do little things + more

Word of the Day

shih (noun; Chinese) An insightful, elegant kind of knowledge. Though she considered him ill-bred and loutish (if not a downright cad), Courtney had to admit + more

Editing More is Less

One of my favorite things to do is sit in an editing suite. It must have something to do with knowing + more

The Only Time Verbing Is a Good Thing

Back when I was a callow youth and working in one of those fast-paced, too-hip-for-words advertising agencies that looks more + more

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