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December 2022

An Unexpected Christmas Gift

The Grinch tried to steal my family’s Christmas this year. But in the end, we were the ones who discovered the true meaning of the day.

How Embarrassing! The Middle School Minefield

Getting through middle school is a lot like navigating a minefield. All it takes is one awkward moment and boom! You’ve triggered an explosion of embarrassment.

What’s a Snark Mark?! Quirky Punctuation You’ve Never Seen

Get ready to have your mind blown. I’m about to share five obscure punctuation marks that you’ve always needed in your life but never knew existed.

Our Most Expensive Blog Post Yet

They say that every mistake is a learning opportunity in disguise. If that’s true, I once had a doozy of an opportunity. And it came with a hefty price tag.

Graphic Designers Use Jedi Mind Tricks

I don’t want to freak you out, but graphic designers are hiding something from you.

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