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90 Percent of the Quilting Jokes on Pinterest Are about Ryan Gosling

Growing up in my mother’s quilt shop taught me a lot of things: color theory, how to determine grain, and what quality craftsmanship was. My mom is a quilting wiz – just ask anyone who knows her or her three children whose homes and lives are filled with her creations. She produces things I couldn’t even dream up and makes them look not only beautiful, but also effortless. Her perspective is astounding.

For a long time, I’ve struggled with how to bring quilting into my own life. But now – with enough space, cash flow, and patience – I’m finally in a better position to give it a go. And with my family’s idea of quilting so far stretched from the norm (bright colors, batiks, funky patterns, high contrast, and texture, all of which add up to very non-traditional quilted pieces), I feel like I just need to do it.

In fact, I already have a plan forming in my head on how to execute this, and hopefully, in future blog posts, you’ll see the fruits of that labor. In the meantime, check out some of the wonderful, progressive quilting that shows off killer flavor and total badassery:


If you want to lose a good half a day, search “modern quilts” or “art quilting” on Pinterest. Your mind will be blown. Also, search “quilt jokes.” All Ryan Gosling.

12.09.2015, 10:06am
by Jerry Smith

Courtney, Courtney, Courtney . . . your mom is amazing! We did a very traditional quilt exhibit here at the MAC five years ago, based on our textile collection, it was wonderful. I was introduced to the more “contemporary” styled quilts, through an acquaintance from South Carolina who is an architect and quilter (Chris Tedesco) and creates those contemporary quilts, she now sends my wife and I a framed patch of quilt each Christmas. I only wish we had the bandwidth and inclination to do a “Then & Now” exhibit about that decorative, functional fiber art that so beautiful. We need to get CK leading this charge. Cheers, Jerry

12.09.2015, 3:35pm
by Courtney Sowards

Than you much for the kind words! Sadly, these are not my moms quilts, but instead a collection of eye-candy I have gathered from all over the internet. I will be asking for some photographs of her work soon though, as she is a talent to behold!



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