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Spokane Scene no. 18


I know what you’re thinking: that I’m about to take these poor folks to the woodshed for hyphenating a compound formed by an adverb ending in ly plus a participle (“publicly-traded”).

But you couldn’t be more wrong.

No, I’m taking them to the woodshed for hyphenating a compound formed by an adverb ending in ly plus a participle (“publicly-traded”) while ON THE SAME FRICKIN’ BILLBOARD not hyphenating another compound formed by an adverb ending in ly plus a participle (“locally owned”).

“Consistency,” wrote Oscar Wilde, “is the last refuge of the unimaginative.” Perhaps. But it ought to be the first refuge of the proofreader.

05.17.2016, 2:08pm
by Susanna

And what’s with the quotation marks?

05.17.2016, 3:38pm
by Aaron Bragg

They must be there for “emphasis.”



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