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Am I missing something?

When it comes to advertising to Hispanics, the conventional wisdom is that we need to do more than just translate existing materials into Spanish. And that’s what the headline for this piece over at Adweek is clearly suggesting. Yet the data in the article that follows doesn’t seem to support the claim.

Looking at all the pretty charts and graphs, it’s clear to me that second-generation Hispanics don’t care nearly as much about their ethnicity as their first-generation peers. It stands to reason that third- and fourth-generation Hispanics will care even less. We used to call that “assimilation,” but I think “acculturation” is the more generally accepted term these days. In other words, the longer you’re here, the more American you become. (And no, that’s not a bad thing.)

So should we care about targeted messaging when marketing to Hispanics—or any other ethnicity? I’m not so sure. In fact, I’d venture to say that focusing on ethnicity might actually slow down the assimilation process by treating individuals as nothing more than part of a monolithic cultural block. Something doesn’t seem quite right about that.

05.21.2013, 12:20pm
by Susanna

“Yet the data in the article that follows doesn’t seem to support the claim.”

Data is plural of datum, so “doesn’t” should be “don’t.” Sorry, that’s obnoxious of me and all, but how often does anyone get to correct your grammar?

Anyway, SO TOTALLY agree with you! It’s especially galling during elections when they talk about the “Hispanic vote,” like they submit a collective ballot or something. Seems awfully insulting.

05.21.2013, 12:31pm
by Aaron Bragg

Yeah, I know—it’s horribly inconsistent of me. For some reason I cannot fathom, it seems pretentious to write “the data don’t” or “the media are” while insisting on “criterion” as a singular.

If only I had an editor…



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