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Amen, Sisters

Last Friday was the unveiling of a very special installation. For the past several months, we’ve been working on a commemorative display for the Sisters of Providence in honor of their 125th anniversary as founders of Sacred Heart Medical Center.

Standing in front of the display, AMD’s Aaron Bragg is flanked by Bill Bouten (left) and Tim Thomas (right) of Bouten Construction. Both the Bouten family and the Thomas family contributed to the funding for the project.

Working in conjunction with Providence Sacred Heart Foundation, the Sisters of Providence, and major display donors, we researched, wrote, and designed this installation. The legacy of the Sisters’ contributions to patients, families, and our community is inspiring. For us, few projects are as meaningful as those that tell a unique story about people with a gift for compassion.

09.28.2011, 10:44pm
by Haley

Good work AMD!



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