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And…We’re Back

It’s been a minute, as the kids say.

I thought it might be a good idea to not post anything during the week before Easter. That’s Holy Week* for a lot of folks, after all, and the dreck I write feels a bit…well, if not exactly blasphemous, unedifying at the very least.

As for the week following, I have no excuse, other than a rather large project that consumed most of my time.

Then this morning Shirlee says to me (and here I’m paraphrasing somewhat): “Dude. Get off your arse and blog about something.”

So here we are. Let’s lead with what Robin Sloan has to say about the Twitter situation.

How about the rise, fall, and rise again of polyester?

You fellow Spokanites weren’t wrong about this spring being colder than normal. But don’t complain. It could be worse.

Our next weapon in the fight against superbugs? Honey.

And finally, 1,100-year-old graffiti.

There. That should keep y’all busy until next week, when we return to our regularly scheduled programming.

*The missus and I attended Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter morning services, so we’re probably holier than you.



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