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Behold the Power of THE LAST WORD!

Just last week we brought your attention to an unfortunate misspelling. But thanks to our enormous reach and influence, few had a chance to see it before it was corrected. Here’s the new and improved version of the same billboard, shot Saturday night:

Now, as someone who once made his living as a proofreader—and who is still charged with those duties on occasion—I have to smile at what happened here. Someone had to write the headline; someone had to design the layout; someone had to print the material; someone had to apply that material to the billboard. And all along the way, there were others, no doubt with degrees and qualifications and important-sounding job titles, who signed off on it.

What’s the point? That, despite our rather vain attempts to arrive at perfection, people still make mistakes. Even collectively. So maybe we should all lighten up a little.



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