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Black & White Magic

Congrats to my good friend David Nanni for his feature in the October issue (#99) of Black & White magazine, “the ultimate resource for connoisseurs and collectors of black and white fine-art photography.” Larry Lytle writes that “David Nanni has proven, through this evocative body of work, that he is a master of that elegant, confounding illusionistic technique.”

David is a semi-retired graphic designer with a keen eye for all things design. He’s practiced here in Spokane for several years after working for some very notable design firms in the Denver area. In addition to photography and design, David loves restoring classic cars, boats, and houses—which probably explains why he never returns my phone calls.

09.06.2013, 1:57pm
by Linda Anderson

Hard magazine to find, but well worth it if you do. Even better that one of our own (yes, we’ll claim David as a Spokanite) has been celebrated in this issue.



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