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Brian Eno & Creepy Crawlies

Well I am wrapping up my third week at the helveticka offices. And I must say this internship has been a great experience so far. There has been lots to do and the projects thrown at me have been quite varied. Wether it’s logos, posters, print ads, or environmental displays CK and company are keeping me busy.

Not only are the projects great but the atmosphere is fun too. I noticed Aaron likes to jam ambient music while he works. I enjoy ambient tunes myself and Aaron has been kind enough to share some of his library with me. Shirlee had a tarantula returned from a friend and it has found a new home on my desk. She tried to put the arachnid on Aaron’s desk but he was not having any of that. I am not the biggest spider fan but as long as it doesn’t try to escape I’ll be ok.

Signing off for now
Tony the intern



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