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random thoughts

The One

I knew she was the one as soon as I saw her. A classic beauty with strong lines and soft curves, who still has all her teeth.

Design With a Cause

There’s an inspiring story behind Dignified Workday. And it all started when one person reached out to help one person.

One for the Win Column

This year, Ebay almost ruined Father’s Day for our family. It all started in late April…

How to (Mine) Craft a Meaningful Experience

Do not touch mobs! Some of them might explode. Whoa. Exploding objects are not what you’d expect in a museum. + more

Stop! Don’t Touch that Garden

Before you rush to clear the remnants of your late summer and early fall harvest, please keep this in mind: Our furry, fuzzy, feathered, and winged friends deserve the garden bounty too.

Cue the Goats

There’s a lot of drama in my neighborhood. Animal drama, that is. And it beats any reality show on TV.

That’s Punny: Why Dad Jokes are Serious Fun

Love ‘em or loathe ‘em, dad jokes serve a higher porpoise. Er, purpose.

Talk About Giving a Dog a Bad Name

Here’s proof that designer dog names have gotten completely out of control.

Some Unforgettable Sh%t

I’m about to share two pieces of information. But, by tomorrow, you’ll only remember one of them. And I can accurately predict which one it will be.

It’s All Geek to Me

My husband is fluent in geek. He’s a software engineer, so he obviously learned it on the job. But I’m sharing his secrets, so you can learn to speak geek too.

How NOT to Name Your Business

The ol’ blog has been a tad lackluster lately. What can I say? We’ve been busy. So, for now, I’ll just leave you with this gem and a bit of advice.

A Mascot You’ll Never Forget

What’s the most unusual sports mascot you’ve ever seen? For me, it’s hands down the pierogi. Not familiar with this mighty mascot? Allow me to introduce you.

The Power of One

Have you ever tried a dish that tasted nothing like its main ingredient? It happened to me once at an expensive restaurant on the Seattle waterfront.

Does Print Still Matter in the Digital Age?

Would you expect someone from the most technologically immersed generation in history to pay any attention to print? No, me neither. And here’s why.

Wayfinding: A Graphic Design Superpower

I’m convinced that there are two kinds of people in this world: those who are navigationally gifted, and those who aren’t. I land squarely in the latter group.

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