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random thoughts

Christmas Music

It’s not even December, and already we’re being assaulted with “Santa Baby” and “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” the latter one + more

Spokane Scene no. 7

Taken yesterday during a brief lunchtime stroll near AMD world headquarters.

We’re Still Here

Sorry for the radio silence there, folks. I was gallivanting about the west side of our fair state, gathering intelligence + more

Um…You’re Welcome?

An alert reader—and proud Shaw Middle School alum—sent us this photo today. Though we’ve recently talked about cutting folks some + more

Hubble Hubble!

Check out the stems on Miss NASA 1968–69 as she herself ogles an RL10 liquid-fuel cryogenic rocket engine. She’s positively + more

It’ll All Be Over Soon

Leave it to Randall Munroe to put the proliferating presidential prognostications in perspective. (And if that isn’t the awesomest alliteration + more

Today’s Lesson

In just four months, Lorri Johnston has quickly proven her worth to AMD, tackling the issues the rest of us are afraid + more

So Whose Is It, Then?

How did I miss this story? A guy on the loose with someone else’s groin in his pants?!? “A suspect + more

Urine Luck!

Aching joints? Muscle fatigue? Shortness of breath? With the amazing Urine Wheel™, there’s no more guessing—your diagnosis is completed in + more

No Sleep for You!

With Halloween just around the corner, I got a little excited when I saw a link to “A Highbrow Halloween Reading + more

When Life Imitates The Onion®

Posting’s been a little light of late, mostly on accounta we’ve been busier than a blind dog in a meat + more

Spokane Scene no. 6

Eager patrons stand in line at the loukoumades truck at the 77th annual Greek Dinner Festival last Friday. Hosted by + more

Immodesty, Thy Name Is Facebook

One more post about Facebook, then I’m done. For reals. Try to watch this without laughing. Go on—I dare + more

With Friends Like These…

I was on Facebook once. It lasted about six months. I made connections with a couple of old high school + more

Friday Frivolity

Is there a better headline than “Buddhist ‘Iron Man’ found by Nazis is from space“? I don’t think so. Monster + more

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