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random thoughts

Public Service Announcement

With the price of coal nearing $80 per short ton (at least in northern Appalachia), here’s a way to save + more

The Year in Music

Since CK wouldn’t grant me the time off to listen to every CD released in 2011 (something about “billable hours”), + more

Wednesday Miscellany

Why Is Art So Damned Expensive?: “If I can’t sell something, I just double the price.” On the Impracticality of + more

Miniatur Wunderland

I was going to set up a model train to go around the Christmas tree this year, but after watching + more

Book Report

Just finished Philip Roth’s Nemesis—a short novel about a polio outbreak in Newark, New Jersey over the summer of 1944. + more

Happy Thanksgiving!

It would appear that the phrase “turkey baster” can now be employed as a euphemism.

Say Goodbye to Tuesday

Randall Munroe’s xkcd—”a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language”—has as its entry today a ginormous chart about money. Though + more

New Music

It’s been a while since we’ve talked about music. No, wait—don’t go away. Today we’ll just listen. Promise. From Brian + more

London 2012

A collection of 12 commissioned posters by leading UK artists celebrating the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games were unveiled + more

Public Service Announcement

“The Walking Dead” is the best show on television right now. On this there can be no debate. Where there + more

A Salute

In my office I have a very special memento. It’s a framed original 1943 World War II propaganda poster signed + more

Thank Heaven for Billionaires

With the death—and subsequent beatification—of Steve Jobs, the launch of the iPhone 4S, and titillating rumors of what’s yet to + more

Cheap Date

For a master class on documentary film-making—or just to see a phenomenal movie—don’t miss Senna, currently showing at the Magic + more


For those alarmed at the news that we’ve cut 12% of our workforce, fear not. That’s the other AMD. We’re + more

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