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random thoughts

Something Smells Funny

While he’s Spokane’s best-known fine artist, Harold Balazs’s finest contribution to society may very well be “Transcend the Bullshit,” his + more

Dick Winters, RIP

Major Dick Winters, commander of “Easy Company” of the 2nd Battalion of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st + more

Monday Miscellany

Over at More Intelligent Life, Anthony Gardner has some thoughts on “verbing”—that most deplorable of language trends. My theory is + more

CD Review

  Brian Eno released Small Craft on a Milk Sea back in November—which means you’re far too late to get + more

What th–?!?

If anyone out there can make a persuasive case for this, I’ll buy the first round of drinks at your + more

“Let’s put this year into a full-body scanner and check out its junk…”

The holidays are officially over. But one gift remains to be opened: Dave Barry’s Year in Review. More than Christmas + more

Fourth Time’s a Charm

The latest PROOF! publication by Johnston Printing is now available, and represents our most intense subject matter to date. The + more

Merry Christmas, You Wonderful Old Building and Loan!*

As we at the last word prepare to settle our brains for a long winter’s nap, we pause to wish + more

It’s a Christmas Miracle!

To help combat the daily drudgery of churning out word after word under the baleful watch of a whip-cracking tyrant, + more

Pass the Skin

As I look out my office window at the silent majesty of a winter’s morn; the clean, cool chill of + more

Star of Wonder…

Discover magazine’s Bad Astronomy blog has picked the year’s best astronomy photos. Among the more interesting is a remarkable close-up + more

‘Tis the Season

You can have your wassail, your Yule log, your figgy pudding; around here, nothing says “Christmas” quite like a little + more

The Solution to American Obesity

Alas, it won’t be in time for Christmas, but it appears that a U.S. importer is set to bring haggis-flavored + more

Corporate Chronology

Which came first, Coke or Pepsi? Wal-Mart or Kmart? Take the quiz over at Mental Floss—some of the answers may + more

It Just Keeps Getting Better

Courtesy of the inestimable Mike Miller—who might very well be The Smartest Person Alive— the last word now has an + more

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