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A Warm Welcome to Our (Sometimes) Chilly City

After several weeks of searching, we’ve found a designer we’ve been looking for.

The Report of My Death Was an Exaggeration

Maybe you’ve heard the report that our blog is dead. Well, like Mark Twain before me, I get to correct + more

You Don’t Say…

“Night owls are at increased risk for psychiatric disorders compared to early birds.” That’s the headline over at PsyPost, anyway. + more

When the Boss Brings Treats

We’re always grateful when CK returns from a trip bearing gifts. This time, however, some of us might be feeling + more

Getting to Know Your Helveticka Team

Sure, we could be like everyone else and talk about our education and credentials, and how we collaborate with our + more

Word of the Day

hipster  (noun)  a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream. + more

Skooch’s Movie Pick of the Week

Just like in Seinfeld, I’m going to provide you with a movie pick of the week ­– but with a + more

A Nice Walk in the Woods

“It’s a nice walk in the woods” he said, “no problem for beginners.” And so we set off. 5 Girl + more

What’s New?

I am! I began working here about six weeks ago now and I have a confession to make: I drive a + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

I think this image is a much better way to describe the importance of commas. (artist unknown.) (from What + more

25 Years and Counting

In the fall of 1988, we designed our very first annual report for Avista. It was noteworthy for at least + more

Mark your calendar, you don’t want to miss this…

helveticka will be hosting an open house on Friday, June 27. An official invitation will be arriving soon. Over a + more

Strike a pose

Well another week has come and gone for me at helveticka. This  week was even more busy than the last. + more

Brian Eno & Creepy Crawlies

Well I am wrapping up my third week at the helveticka offices. And I must say this internship has been + more

“Hey, who’s that new guy?”

Hello interweb, I am Tony Kuchar, Helveticka’s new intern. Today wraps up my first week on the job, and so + more

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