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the writing life

Not that I’m complaining or anything…

While visiting my daughter in Bozeman a couple of weeks ago, I stopped in at Vargo’s and picked up a copy + more

Word of the Day

oppugnancy (noun) opposition; hostility; resistance “Hope you don’t have plans this evening,” sighed CK. “The deadline just got moved up.” “No problem, + more


This is the coolest thing you’ll watch all day. Heck, I’ll wager it’s the coolest thing you’ll watch all month. + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

So I didn’t pay much attention to the Olympics—sorry, the Games of the XXXI Olympiad™—but I’ve gotta say, these are some + more

It’s baaaaack…

“[L]ike Madonna and newspapers, cursive has displayed a gritty staying power, refusing to have its loop de loops and curlicues + more


So I’m finally getting around to reading Jonathan Franzen’s Purity. The other day I came across the following passage: Her body + more

Jim Boyd, RIP

I got the terrible news this morning that Jim Boyd died Tuesday. I met Jim back in 2002 when I + more

Le Sigh

There’s a particularly obnoxious trend I’ve been meaning to write about for a while now, but hadn’t yet found an example + more

Courtesy of Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Over the last couple of years I’ve striven mightily to reduce the level of snark directed at public grammar/syntax/spelling/usage errors. No, + more

Q&A with Aaron!

Leave it to Linda to ask the pertinent, pressing questions of the day. Like, “Should I wear the Manolo Blahniks or + more

Print Is Dead! Long Live Print!

“There are no two ways about it,” wrote John C. Abell in a 2011 article over at Wired. “E-books are here to + more

Spokane Scene no. 18

I know what you’re thinking: that I’m about to take these poor folks to the woodshed for hyphenating a compound formed + more

Quote of the Day

E. B. White, from an interview conducted by George Plimpton and Frank H. Crowther for the Fall 1969 issue of the + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

Premier and premiere are, respectively, the masculine and feminine forms of the word for “first” in French. But is there + more

Gotta Love the Dash

The writer and I have constant disagreements on how the en dash and em dash look in a sentence – space + more

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