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the writing life

Stop! Grammar Time!

Principal or principle? This is one of those questions that, even after 15 years as a professional writer, can still + more

Who Needs Beauty, Anyway?

Kudos to the Spokesman-Review‘s Stefanie Pettit, who sounds the alarm over the “declining into banality” of language. Here’s the money quote: + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

Great reminder from June Casagrande that your dictionary is good for more than just definitions: Here are just a few of + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

This is from David Foster Wallace’s handout on five common usage mistakes, which he gave to students taking his Fall 2002 section of English + more

Quote of the Day

From James Wood’s How Fiction Works (2008): Nietzsche laments, in Beyond Good and Evil: “What a torment books written in + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

I heard someone say in a meeting the other day that she needed to “flush out” some creative concepts. Now, the old Aaron + more

Pre-Thanksgiving Thankfulness

There are at least two reasons for my success as a professional writer. (And by “success” I mean my ability to convince CK + more

Word of the Day

Floccinaucinihilipilification (noun) The action or practice of estimating something as worthless. When asked to provide the client with a ballpark + more

Writing vs. Grammar

From Clear and Simple as the Truth, by Francis-Noël Thomas and Mark Turner: The teaching of writing in America is + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

I’ve noticed a lot of nouning lately. You know, taking a verb and turning it into a noun. Regular readers + more

How to Write Good

This article by Steven Pinker is a treasure trove of quotable lines: “Rules of usage are well worth mastering, but they + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

As a writer of no small renown, I’m sometimes asked whether any rules of grammar or usage still have the + more

[Sensitive and Considerate Title Here]

This may be the dumbest thing in the history of dumb things. It’s an app that promises to help you + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

This is really more of a usage note than a grammar issue, but I was too lazy to come up with + more

Today in Existentialist History

Suffering from tuberculosis, the Reverend John Sterling had written to his friend Thomas Carlyle that he had only a few + more

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