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Stephen Fry Fights Back

I’m not a fan of the animated words. Seen enough of that in the past couple of years to last + more

The History of the English Language in Ten Minutes From The Open University comes this creative, funny, and—strangely enough—quite informative look at the development of our language over + more


There’s a lot to be said for being a writer in this business. (Like the fact that it’s not really + more

New Feature!

Just when you thought this blog couldn’t possibly get any better, I bring you…the Word of the Day™! Holla! ratiocination + more

Stop! Grammar time!

Can I rant for just a moment? Thanks. There are some things I need to get off my chest. The + more


It’s National Punctuation Day®! Not sure how to mark—get it? mark—the occasion? Founder Jeff Rubin has some helpful tips. And if, like + more

And Now, a Word from Our Sponsor (not really)

I’m someone who has to write things down. I know, I know—there’s a perfectly suitable notes app on my phone. + more

Countdown to the Apocalypse

The worst part about this isn’t the second definition. (It was already a problem in 1926, when H. W. Fowler + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

While reading this blog post, I had a vague recollection of my high school English teacher making a very clear distinction between + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

This blog has been active for more than three years now. And I would have bet that, in the 650 + more

“…and then they were upon her.”

Most of you have probably read Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery.” It’s the late author’s most famous short story, and has + more

Hey! That’s Us!

Looks like KREM 2 News has discovered the SPOMa exhibit at the Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture. Here’s their + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

“Hone in on” has been popping up in conversations lately. We’ve dealt with this issue here before, so I won’t + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

I received an e-newsletter today in which the plural of pizza is spelled pizza’s. For reals. Yeah, yeah—these things happen. + more

America! Heck Yeah!

It may be “the new Latin,” but American English still has its discontents. Not to mention at least four different + more

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