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Daily Conundrum

Walla Walla has a population of 32,148; Spokane 210,103. Walla Walla has an honest-to-God record store; Spokane doesn’t. Discuss amongst yourselves.

04.16.2013, 1:13pm
by Derek

Spokane has lost its obsession with an outdated technology?

04.16.2013, 1:41pm
by Aaron Bragg

Funny man. Let me be more precise: music store. As in a brick-and-mortar retail location that actually sells recorded music. The sort of store that has a huge selection of CDs and LPs in stock at competitive prices. The sort of store that employs people who immediately sense a kindred Grateful Dead spirit when I walk in the door and point me in the direction of the new three-disc Jerry Garcia Band live album (Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey, March 1, 1980). In short, the sort of store you won’t find in a city that’s constantly badgering me to “buy local.”

04.16.2013, 3:02pm
by Susanna

So open one up.

04.16.2013, 3:25pm
by Aaron Bragg

You gonna bankroll me?

04.17.2013, 8:59am
by Derek Helt

I’ll admit, it was a troll-ish comment. For a second I thought you were one of these guys who obsessed over vinyl …. Plus, I thought you might enjoy having someone stir the pot by adding snark.



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