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Do You Live in a Bubble?

Charles Murray’s latest book, Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960–2010, has been getting a lot of attention of late. In it, he argues that the upper and lower classes have diverged so far that they no longer share core values and beliefs—and that a new upper class of super-wealthy, over-educated elites has cloistered themselves in a social and cultural bubble.

So. Are you in that bubble? Take the quiz and find out—and be sure to report back. For what it’s worth, I scored a healthy, middle-America, God-fearin’ 75.

03.16.2012, 1:15pm
by mcw3

43. So within 7 points of being straight up the middle. Mr. Bragg is just lucky the quiz didn’t ask questions about hard alcohol. That would’ve left him in the lower teens, I think.

03.16.2012, 1:54pm
by Aaron Bragg

Ah, but it’s not about personal taste. It’s about measuring your level of engagement with common culture.

03.16.2012, 2:07pm
by shirlee

Well, I’m at 52. Welcome to middle-america.

03.16.2012, 2:52pm
by Susanna

33. But that can’t possibly be right.

03.16.2012, 3:02pm
by Aaron Bragg


03.16.2012, 3:16pm
by Tanya

That survey is incredibly inaccurate. I was a 36.

03.16.2012, 3:22pm
by Aaron Bragg

Sorry, Tanya. It’s science. And science doesn’t lie.

03.16.2012, 3:29pm
by Susanna

Tanya a 36? Please. I rest my case. She should be at least triple Shirlee’s score–she’s had THREE pet tarantulas in her life. And her dad’s ashes are in a cardboard box in the garage. And not only does she listen to heavy metal, she can discern the lyrics. She may not darken the door of an Applebees, but that where her hoity-toitiness ends. If that’s upper-middle-class, God help us.

03.16.2012, 3:31pm
by Tanya

What does IHOP have to do with science? I fully believe I was penalized for having food allergies and taste buds.

03.16.2012, 3:35pm
by Aaron Bragg

Ladies, please. This is Charles frackin’ Murray we’re talking about. He can’t possibly be wrong. Which, of course, means you are. Simple as that.

03.16.2012, 3:42pm
by Susanna

Taste buds? Everyone has taste buds. If you’re trying to suggest you have discriminating taste, get over yourself. Neither of those two mutts you call yourself the mistress of would touch that slop you eat at your desk for breakfast every day.

03.16.2012, 3:55pm
by shirlee

I agree with Tanya. Food allergies and distaste of domestic beer.

03.16.2012, 6:08pm
by Spimbi

Proudly scored a 60!!!!!!!

03.16.2012, 7:38pm
by Tanya

Wow! Looks like the Atkins addict has finally gone off the deep end into full on carb envy. Back off my yogurt and Grapenuts lady! Just get over it, grab a cake, and go for it. Or I guess for your elitist tastes you better make that a torte.

03.19.2012, 8:19am
by Aaron Bragg

The missus reminded me that I had, in fact, once watched an entire episode of Oprah. (Clint Eastwood was the guest—it was a weak moment for me.) I therefore revisited the quiz, taking more time with each question. The result? 78.

03.21.2012, 12:12pm
by shirlee

well, I retook the test and changed answers that had to do with my summer/college jobs since they were no way related to my career field, and yup I’m a 37.



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