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Does This Towering Intellect Make Me Look Tall?

Until I took Pew Research Center’s Science and Technology quiz, I had pretty much resigned myself to being, like Winnie the Pooh, a bear of very little brain. It’s not necessarily that I’m dumb; it’s just that I’m relatively uneducated. But after achieving a perfect score, I started to think otherwise.

Then I took their Religious Knowledge quiz. Perfect again—a feat matched by only one percent of the population. Guess that means I’m persona non grata with the Occupy crowd. Do you suppose…? No, it couldn’t be.

Finally, I took the News IQ quiz. 13 for 13.

As should be blindingly obvious by now, the only possible explanation is that I’m some sort of super-genius—though it could also be that those who took the original surveys are all mouth-breathing cretins. But really, what are the odds of that? So we’ll stick with super-genius.



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