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“Flower, oh my Georgia!”

I think it was Erasmus who said that the desire to write grows with writing. It’s perhaps a bit presumptuous of me to offer an emendation, but I’d like to suggest that the desire to write grows also with subjugation, murder, and general psychopathy.

Which raises an interesting question: does the poetry of Stalin cast the commie thug in a softer light? Or does it merely point to the narcissism prevalent—and apparently necessary—in every dictator? More importantly, If I started ruling with an iron fist, could I get my poetry published?

04.18.2011, 1:30pm
by Susanna

Jimmy Carter and Al Gore have also written “poetry”. I think you’re onto something here. If they award Stalin a posthumous Nobel (totally possible), the evidence would be conclusive.

04.20.2011, 3:12pm
by Aaron Bragg

Somehow I’d forgotten all about their versifyin’. I’d wager that Uncle Joe’s work, while a bit conventional, is at least readable.



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