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Flush with Trivia


If you travel south along US 195 toward Colfax, you’ll eventually come upon the Horn School rest stop. Now I don’t normally talk much about rest stops, especially in a family blog, but this one is special. A recently installed interpretive sign we created for Avista—featuring information about the nearby Palouse Wind farm—may now be considered one of the area’s highlights.

With a little help from our illustrator friend Don Baker, the sign provides rest stoppers with information and trivia about the wind farm, the energy from which is purchased by Avista. From the sign, you can actually see the turbines themselves off in the distance.

And speaking of trivia, did you know that the Washington Department of Transportation calls these rest stops “safety rest areas?” And that they record flushes at each one to gauge traffic? Horn School hits about 225,000 annually—more than 600 every day.



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