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Funny Business

From the very first time I read the Journal of Business, I’ve looked forward to seeing the handiwork of local cartoonist David Rowles. His drawings make me laugh even before I read the captions. There’s something about his line work, the personality of his characters, and the simple details that I really enjoy.

A while back, Dave served as helveticka’s guest blogger for an entire week in celebration of our 1000th post. And recently, he lent his expertise to a set of note cards developed for our philanthropic arm, Helveticahaus.

The other day, Dave shared with us the story of his meeting with Bob Mankoff, the famed cartoon editor for the New Yorker. Dave had arranged to meet Mankoff at his New York office on the 38th floor of One Word Trade Center to show him some cartoons, two of which are published here for the very first time:

As you probably know, the New Yorker takes its cartoons very seriously. And Mankoff is the guy who selects just 16–17 cartoons from a thousand weekly submissions. Here’s David’s story.

01.12.2017, 12:01am
by Kim Hogan

Age doesn’t seem to slow you down. Make it another great year. Look forward to reading each of these posts.



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