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“Hey, who’s that new guy?”

Hello interweb, I am Tony Kuchar, Helveticka’s new intern.

Today wraps up my first week on the job, and so far it has been busy. I have participated in all sorts of meetings and gotten several projects to work on. As I write this I am in the middle of concepting a new logo and also brainstorming some ideas for a hard cider label. Fun stuff!

I am doing my internship at somewhat of sprinters pace. I am blazing through about 120 hours worth of interning in just under 4 weeks time.

I guess I should let you know a little about me. I am 25 and a senior at EWU. I am in the Visual Communication Design BFA program and slated to graduate at the end of this upcoming quarter. Between interning here 5 days and week and my night/weekend delivery job I’m a pretty busy guy as of late. However when I do get down time I tend to waste it reading comics, playing video games, and working on various projects.

Well, signing off for now.

(shameful self promotion)



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