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High Expectations


With our third City of Greeley, Colorado campaign up and running and the 2016 campaign currently underway, I’m reminded of the creative collaboration many of our projects require. Pictured above is Jeremy Jacob, partner in the Denver/Greeley-based production company Clear Summit Productions. His business partner, Erik Stenbakken, not only assists with the campaign’s television spots, he’s also our lead still photographer by way of Stenbakken Media, his own Greeley-based independent studio. Back in Spokane, the TV spots are produced, edited, and sound designed by Cary Seward and Adam Harum of ILF Media; motion graphics are provided by Mike Bold of Digital Itch. And most important, John Pantaleo leads a great client team with mile-high expectations.

08.18.2015, 7:27pm
by Erik Stenbakken

Thanks for the shout out, CK. Always a pleasure working with you all and look forward to more of showing the great dimensions of Greeley.



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