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I’m sorry. You were saying…?

I spent much of the holiday weekend reading Neal Stephenson’s science fiction epic Seveneves. There’s a lot to love about the book, not the least of which are little gems like this:

“He had had many conversations during his long life. Some were fascinating and stayed with him more than a century later. Others were less so. As a younger man he had tolerated those as part of the cost of doing business—a sort of tax that all people must pay in order to take part in civilized society. When he had turned one hundred, he had decided to stop paying that tax. Henceforth he would engage only in conversations that really interested him…”

So, I guess the question is, do I have to wait until I’m one hundred? Because I’ve pretty much already started.

07.09.2015, 5:58am
by Derek

I remember noting that passage, as well. It refers to the obvious stand-in for Neil deGrasse Tyson, doesn’t it? Have you finished Seveneves? I thought it was good, but uneven. The first half to two-thirds was tragic and riveting, but I felt the second half was both plodding and rushed, especially at the end.

07.09.2015, 9:21am
by Aaron Bragg

It’s actually referring to the 120-year-old scientist in the latter third of the book—can’t remember his name. Just about to wrap it up. I’ll report back…

07.09.2015, 9:01pm
by Derek

Oh, yeah, that’s right. I was thinking it was the guy in the first half.



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