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Interning—Week 1


in·tern verb – to restrict to or confine within prescribed limits; imprison, detain, hold in custody

in·tern noun ­- a person who works as an apprentice or trainee in an occupation or profession to gain practical experience, apprentice, student, learner

I’m still deciding whether I’m an intern, or am interned.

All kidding aside, I’m extremely thankful for this opportunity. With all I have done to get this internship, I am definitely not regretting any step taken. I will be composing weekly updates here every Monday to share what I’ve been up to.

Last week I  met some pretty inspirational people: Three great guys from Mojo, a new full service cinema, still photography, and audio post production company; Craig Sweat from J. Craig Sweat Photography; and previous co-owner John Mraz. I started on a business card, tagged along for a client meeting, was spoiled with treats and interesting music choices (Shirlee), and experiencing what the design world is all about.

Next up: A dramatic yet tasteful black-and-white face shot to match the team here.

Until next week!

07.02.2013, 9:42pm
by Chris Thompson

I saw the “face shot” earlier today when I was browsing the site. 😉



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