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Interning—Week 7

Since my desk is placed between Shirlee and Aaron, I have had a good time just experiencing the two of them. And since they have done this silly thing by trusting me to post on the blog, I decided to give you an inside scoop on these two hardworking individuals.

Aaron listens to either some kind of “hippie indie” tunes, or “I am going to stab you with a knife” music. Seriously though, I am at a hookah lounge or a crazy rock concert; it’s always a surprise. His area is extremely neat and he is usually here first, typing away on his computer. One thing I find hilarious is he will randomly laugh to himself a couple times a day. Is he reading an email? Copy a client gave him? Searching weird images? I have no idea; and I think I will just leave it at that. That’s what you get for constantly wanting to haze me as the intern, Aaron!

Shirlee listens to music I would listen to in high school, which is usually punk bands with funny and somewhat edgy lyrics. I enjoy the time travel! Shirlee and Aaron are almost complete opposites, which is really entertaining. Aaron will laugh to himself, while Shirlee will laugh loudly and share what she just came across to everyone. Her desk is full of pictures and random objects, including an old Mac desktop containing a large spider; honestly, just think of anything you probably wouldn’t put on your desk and she most likely has it.

They are usually talking about what files need to be sent to who, making fun of each other, venting, or making jokes about wrapping me in plastic wrap and shipping me away. Fun times.



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