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Introducing the Newbie

Since our intern now has her first AMD blog post under her belt (see yesterday’s entry), I figured I should attempt to provide our readers with at least a semi-formal introduction.

A 2010 graduate of Mount Spokane High School, Haley Anderson is currently a student in the University of Washington’s Visual Communications Program (yes, that’s a west-of-the-Cascades way of saying “graphic design”). Take a look at the class of 2012’s graduate show—it’s fantastic work.

Haley will begin her junior year this fall. Until then, she’ll be involved with several of our design projects. We’re excited to have her on board and delighted to have someone else answer the phones for a change.

This internship will no doubt be one of her first, and most formidable, career tests. No, I’m not talking about working alongside her parents, I’m referring to our copywriter and associate senior designer.



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