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Kiss the Rest of Your Day Goodbye

Productivity, thy foe is the Amazing Fact Generator. While the degree of amazingness varies wildly*, it’s a lot of fun seeing what comes up next. Here’s a random sampling:

Barry Manilow did not write his hit “I Write the Songs.” He did, however, write State Farm’s “Like a Good Neighbor” jingle.

A newborn giant panda is about the size of a stick of butter.

Viagra can keep cut flowers looking fresh for up to a week longer than their normal life span.

It took three people to compose “The Hokey Pokey.” Roland Lawrence “Larry” LaPrise, Charles Macack, and Taft Baker wrote the tune in 1949 to entertain tired skiers at nightclubs in Sun Valley, Idaho.

Charlie Chaplin once took part in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest in a theater in San Francisco. He lost.

*Seriously, “Mary Ann really was prettier than Ginger” is hardly an amazing revelation. It’s patently obvious to anyone with eyes.



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