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Last Week.

It is my very last week here as an intern, and it has been the most refreshing 173 hours spent. It all started when my professor shared to me that helveticka was thinking about opening a spot for an intern.

I was very lucky to have this opportunity. Lucky in a way that it presented itself to me, but not in a way that it was handed to me. You know when you worked hard, is when you feel like you aren’t going to achieve that goal. That is how it always happens to me. I work extremely hard for something, feel like I am failing…and then “BAM” I achieve that goal. That was the feeling I got when I was trying to get this internship. When I made that facebook campaign, I told myself, “You are insane, you are not going to get this internship” right before making it live. Well, here I am today, writing my goodbye post on helveticka’s very own blog.

The main thing I have learned on this journey is solidifying that I am in the best industry and that I am unbelievably excited to become a part of it in the near future. Working at helveticka has been only a blessing which makes it even harder to leave.

“It is those who are successful, in other words, who are most likely to be given the kinds of special opportunities that lead to further success.”
― Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success

…you haven’t seen the last of me, helveticka. Just you wait.



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