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Let me show you some letterheads

Letterheads, we make them all the time here at helveticka. However, I think if you asked a random 20-something (i.e. one of my peers) they would have no idea what one was. But for those in the know there is a rather rabid underground culture celebrating and sharing the classic (and sometimes no so classic) letterheads of the past. The hub for all things letterhead is a tumblr blog called Letterheady.


Letterheady showcases mainly famous persons or organizations, with the occasional President thrown in for good measure. They pluck letterheads from just about every corner of the entertainment, art, design, and business world. Not to mention a rather impressive swath of time, ranging from the late 1800s all the way to the present.


Take a look at their blog, there are some really great ones to check out. Below are a few more of my favorites.




Well, I do think this letterhead from Richard Simmons, circa 2009, has to be to be the all time greatest though!




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