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Though we’ve been busier than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs around here, I can no longer ignore the pleas of our adoring fans. Here’s a little something that, while it won’t quite make up for the emptiness you’ve been feeling inside, will at least get us back on track.

The politics of dictionaries. Interesting take on the descriptivist/prescriptivist divide, with some insight from none other than David Foster Wallace.

Still thinking about getting an MFA? “We wrote a program to analyze hundreds of works by authors with and without creative-writing degrees. The results were disappointing.”

I’m not about to print the headline of this article. Yes, it’s safe for work. No, I can’t stop giggling.

Speaking of robots

Finally, “in a crowded press conference in Cairo on Thursday, Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities announced the discovery of…” (You have to click to find out.)



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