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“Scorpions to help us fight cancer? It isn’t as crazy as it sounds.” The Wall Street Journal‘s Christie Wilcox on the healing power of venom.

Hey Courtney—you probably shouldn’t read this.


Are some foods morally inferior to others? The Guardian ponders this question;  Megan McArdle comes right out and answers it: “If I have one regret in my current life, it’s that I have not yet managed to get my hands on the new Burger King Mac n’ Cheetos sticks.”

Walt Whitman: poet, essayist, journalist, humanist. And…graphic designer?

07.27.2016, 2:23pm
by Susanna

Ha! Feeling so vindicated to see the “power of positive thinking” debunked. If we all just sit around thinking happy thoughts, evil people get away with all kinds of sh**. Three cheers for cynics, realists, and pessimists–we heal with our venom.

07.27.2016, 5:11pm
by Aaron Bragg

Preach it! Misanthropes of the world, unite!



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