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Monday Miscellany

The search for the elusive author of the 1971 cult classic novel The Dice Man.

Posted here without comment: “An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that the Salt Lake Tribune has a full-time jazz reporter. It in fact has two reporters who cover Utah Jazz, the local basketball team. This has now been corrected.”

Postmodernist pirate jokes.

“Once the starving had eaten human flesh, they no longer considered it a crime.” Douglas Smith on the 1921 Soviet famine—and the largest humanitarian operation in history.

Stereophile profiles Manfred Eicher, founder and sole proprietor of my favorite label, ECM records:

Eicher has supervised every single one of ECM’s albums—more than 1600 of them—signing the musicians, sometimes creating the band, ordering (sometimes suggesting) the tracks, almost always manning the sessions in person, even approving (in many cases, designing) the distinctive, minimalist covers—all while remaining an independent company.



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