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Monday Miscellany

“With [McCoy Tyner’s] death,” writes Andrew L. Shea, “we’ve lost our last living link to perhaps the greatest jazz quartet ever, but more importantly, we’re stripped of an individual and searching voice.” The missus and I happened to catch one of Tyner’s sets while on our honeymoon nearly 30 years ago.

Speaking of the passing of personal heroes, Brewmeister Smith shuffled off this mortal coil yesterday.

Pssst: “Although most people would define authenticity as acting in accordance with your idiosyncratic set of values and qualities, research has shown that people feel most authentic when they conform to a particular set of socially approved qualities.”

$9,992 is what an in-state student will pay for tuition and fees to attend Purdue next year. Which is what it cost in 2013.



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