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Mr. Jones Retires


I’ve had the good fortune of working with a lot of great people over the course of my career. One of them is Brian Jones, a print sales rep I’ve known for more than 30 years. Brian just retired as sales manager at Lawton Printing. An official celebration was held in his honor last Thursday, when the photo at top was taken (L to R: Darin Klündt, Brian, and John Mraz).

The photo below, on the other hand, was taken way back in March of 1986. That’s me, at right, pointing out several flaws during a press check. You know—just another designer making life miserable for the printer.


Thank you, Brian, for all the support you’ve provided me on countless projects during your long and distinguished career. And for all the crazy press checks you’ve endured. (Not just mine, either. You know who I’m talkin’ about.)

06.30.2015, 2:40pm
by Brian Jones

CK, thanks for the kind words and your professionalism all these years! You and John Mraz are a joy to the industry. I cannot say enough about enduring those press checks, but you taught me patience in you persistence towards your objectives. Question: Were your objectives to keep me up all night, run out of paper, use up all the overs and eliminate profits? Just kidding…..may you experience continued success and pleasure in your work.




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