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My Weekly Awesome

Throughout the week it’s easy to find cool things on the internet. Typically I share them with my coworkers, but busy days have left me with open tabs with no where to go. So here they are, folks. My weekly findings that have nothing to do with anything except that they are fun to look at, interesting to scroll through, or made me happy in some way. Enjoy!

This app was was launched and banned in 7 days after a landslide of 50,000 downloads.

The NY Times just kills it – both with design and content – on these side projects: 25 Songs That Tell Us Where Music is Going.

Who knew black and white tiles in a school could be this awesome!? #yesplease

As a total Manet fan, I can’t help but love this take on art. Who needs pixel art when this clearly blew it out of the water in style and class?

Inspiration comes from everywhere – even if it is in the form of website wireframes.

This font takes me back to when my sister and I would read The Witches

In a few weeks I will be attending An Event Apart in Seattle and this website gives you as many maps as you want for exploring the city.



web site

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