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Not to Brag or Anything…

Hey, get a load of this, from our friends over at the Washington State Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation:

Spokane’s Mid-century Modern Survey, Social Media and Website project is the winner of the 2018 award for Outstanding Achievement in portraying historic preservation work in the Media. The Spokane Historic Preservation Office at the direction of the Spokane Historic Landmarks Commission received a grant in 2015 to complete a comprehensive survey of mid- 20th Century modern architecture in Spokane. The resulting information became accessible and appealing through the creation of a website and Facebook pages. To attract users, there was a new mid-century modern architecture ‘find’ added to the Facebook page each week. The social media campaign was successful and reached over 250,000 people. The Spokane Mid-Century website is informative, visually fresh, beautifully illustrated, and easy to use. 

That’s us! I mean…we had a part in all that. We wrote a news release and everything. Right now, as I post this, they’re handing out the award in Olympia, and Megan Duvall will (hopefully) be wrapping up her acceptance speech. Congratulations to Megan and her team!

05.17.2018, 6:50am
by Marsha

A timely and very important project…and so publicly accessible. Many thanks to helveticka, Painter Preservation, and Spokane Historic Preservation Office for stepping up to make this happen so creatively!

05.21.2018, 6:25pm
by Diana Painter

Hey hey! I went to the ceremony too and spoke a few words. It was really cool and special to be among so many people doing so much good work in historic preservation.



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