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Our First Sports Post!

So. LeBron James has decided to leave the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat. Apparently, this is a huge deal. Who knew?

There seems to be an inordinately large number of people donning sackcloth and ashes—as if James’ decision actually meant something other than an NBA superstar’s self-interest. And it’s not just fans and sportswriters. Politicians are even involved.

The best part of the whole affair is the open letter posted on the  Cavaliers’ website by majority owner Dan Gilbert. Ignore, if you can, Gilbert’s egregious abuse of quotation marks, the four-period ellipses that evidently serve as terminal punctuation, the confusion surrounding the use of hyphens. No, no—take a look instead at the font. Is it…could it be…?

Yes! It’s Comic Sans!

Now you know he’s serious.



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