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Poetry Break

Cumberland Clark—the “Bard of Bournemouth”—was, according to Anthony Daniels, the second-worst poet in the English language.* How bad was he? “Wonderfully, gloriously, hilariously awful.”

As evidence, Daniels points us to the beginning of Clark’s “The West Overcliff Drive”:

Do you know the West Overcliff Drive?
If you don’t, there’s no doubt that you ought to.
With interest always alive,
It’s a place everyone should be brought to.

Now, I’ve written some pretty bad poetry (who hasn’t, really?) but I don’t think it’s quite the steaming pile that that is. So let me help you get the terrible taste out of your mouth with a little something from Langston Hughes:


Folks, I’m telling you,
birthing is hard
and dying is mean—
so get yourself
a little loving
in between.

*The worst? William McGonagall, obviously.



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