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I picked up my first copy of Desert Oracle the summer before last at the Little A’Le’Inn in Rachel, Nevada—mostly because its bright yellow cover stood out from all the self-published UFO- and Area 51-related tell-alls on the shelves.

A couple of minutes’ worth of reading and I was hooked. Ken Layne‘s digest-sized quarterly is part travelogue, part field guide, and part unapologetic nature writing—with a healthy dose of X-Files sprinkled in for good measure. Since then I’ve not only subscribed, I’ve also picked up every back issue available (sadly, no. 5 appears to be out of print).

If you like celebrating the weird and the wonderful, you need to subscribe. If you think the desert southwest is a mysterious and magical place, you need to subscribe. If you appreciate independent writing and publishing, you need to subscribe. And if you want to be responsible for the coolest present under the tree this year, you need to introduce someone to Desert Oracle with a gift subscription.

Finally, check out the podcast. It’s wildly entertaining and informative—and creepy as hell.



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