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Road Trip

The missus and I spent Memorial Day exploring Northrup Canyon, home to all manner of birds, wildflowers, and—oh yeah!—rattlesnakes. If I had known that we were to encounter no fewer than three of ’em, the largest of which let it be known that he’d have no problem whatsoever eating my face*, I might have suggested we stay home and barbecue.

Anyway, on the way back to Spokane we noticed this little piece of abandoned Americana:

It sits on a dusty pie-shaped piece of land where state Route 155 and U.S. Highway 2 meet outside of Coulee City, about a mile or so from Banks Lake.

*He was totally fine with Mrs. B nearly stepping on his back. Lean in to take his picture, though, and he’s all, “Back the @#$% up!”—or, as ophiologists benignly call it, “assuming the defensive posture.”



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