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Self-Indulgence Alert

What happens when graphic designers take themselves too seriously? This. Ed Mitchell, who doesn’t like how “discordant” U.S. state flags are as a group and was alarmed to learn that they “break just about every rule of flag design,” decided they ought to be redesigned:

I love the idea that we can argue and fight with each other and that we have the freedom to redesign potent, historic symbols. Freedom of expression—of speech and ideas—is what makes this nation great. But lately it feels like we’re off balance. I believe design can be used as a tool to challenge our current beliefs—in this case, to make people think about what we represent, what image we want to project, and how it will look when we’re all working together.

Really, you need to see the results.

(This is our 700th blog post, by the way. And yes, it’s customary to present gifts on such occasions.)



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