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Serving Up Fresh Design

One of the world’s most iconic brands has changed its logo. Actually, it’s more of a refresh than anything else. It’s well done and maintains all the visual equity the previous mark garnered, but without extraneous elements (who needs to use your company’s name, anyway?). It’s rare when a company achieves the kind of global brand awareness that allows it to use just a symbol and a single color for a logo.

Graphic designers love the Starbucks brand. It gives us hope. Not only did they reinvent a whole new product category in the U.S., they’ve done it with a consistent voice—through store interiors, product packaging and merchandise, playful messaging, and a high quality consistent product. And all while giving consumers more options than they’ll ever have buying a new car. If you think about it, until just recently, their brand was largely built without traditional print advertising—just pure experience driven by pure design. Thank you, Starbucks. You are my brand hero.



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