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Step 5 in the Aircraft Escape Plan

Last Friday I mentioned Alaska Airlines’ Aircraft Safety Instruction Tri-Fold—which leads me to today’s subject.

I don’t know why, but I can’t help but chuckle at the step-by-step illustrations used to show passengers how to prepare for an aircraft emergency. Not that this is a funny subject, but this woman has got to be a former Russian gymnast. Her lift and form are outstanding. Clearly it represents a strong motivation to get the hell off the plane—and without her purse!

Well done. I’d score it a 10.0.

10.31.2011, 6:02pm
by Tony R

Too funny.

11.01.2011, 11:52am
by Haley

Hilarious! There is no way she can gain that much momentum, but somehow she did. Thanks for posting Dad! Very funny!



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